
ASP Ear Acupuncture Needle Gold

ASP ear acupuncture needle Gold, 80 pcs per box.
ASP ear acupuncture needle, also known as Aiguille Semi-Permanente, The needle is made of stainless steel and uses a plastic injector to increase grip and control over the needles insertion tip. Main characteristics: • 1 gold-plated needle per blister • Disposable for single use • 80 pcs per box • Delivered with adhesive patch
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Product Name ASP Ear Acupuncture Needle Gold
Chinese Name ASP 耳针 (金)
Handle Type Other
Product Code NI-ASP80G
Featured Product No
Expiry Date 2024-11-30 00:00:00

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ASP Ear Acupuncture Needle Gold

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